
Welcome to our website!

We look forward to working with you and your family!

Since 2007, we've helped thousands of people from throughout the Finger Lakes and Upstate NY. People come to us with a variety of problems and we are very proud of the results we get!

From lower back and sciatic issues to headaches, carpal tunnel, and dozens of other painful and disruptive issues, we work hard to find a solution and get you the results you are looking for.

We also specialize in helping children with a variety of problems stemming from recurring ear issues, to colic and reflux and latch challenges, all the way through to learning / behavior / socializations challenges and all the neurodevelopmental labels that go along with them.

We invite you to set up a consultation to see if we are a good fit and if we could be the solution you are looking for.

All our best!

Drs. Mike and Meredith Vorozilchak


Health Articles

Blood Pressure Values Improved Under Chiropractic Care - A Case Study
Blood Pressure Values Improved Under Chiropractic Care - A Case Study
The Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research published the results of a case study on August 4, 2023, documenting the improvement in hypertension of an elderly patient receiving chiropractic care. . . .
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Positive Health Outcomes for a Child Diagnosed with ADHD Following Chiropractic
Positive Health Outcomes for a Child Diagnosed with ADHD Following Chiropractic
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic published the results of a case study on March 1, 2024, documenting the positive health outcomes from chiropractic care for a child who had been diagnosed with ADHD. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control describes Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity . . .
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Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
Aggression and Hyperactivity in a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped with Chiropractic
A case study reported in the fourth quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documented the case of a young boy who was helped by chiropractic with issues of aggression, hyperactivity, and poor social functioning stemming from his Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ASD). . . .
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Child with Sickle Cell Disease Gets Symptomatic Relief with Chiropractic
Child with Sickle Cell Disease Gets Symptomatic Relief with Chiropractic
The Mayo Clinics website describes this condition by saying, "Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of inherited disorders known as sickle cell disease. It affects the shape of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body." The site further notes that this condition can cause pain episodes. . . .
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M: 8am - 12pm 3pm - 6pm  
W:   3pm - 6pm
TH: 8am - 12pm 3pm - 6pm

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